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Tauche noch heute, zusammen mit uns, in die traumhafte Welt der Fantasy ein und werde ein Teil von Fantasy-Foren.de.
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welche sci-fi oder fantasy figur wärt ihr?

Luke Skywalker

Boldly striving to overcome the darkness both in this world and within yourself, you are righteously devoted to forging your own destiny.

It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers.

Luke is a character in the Star Wars universe. For more information, see his character entry at the Star Wars Databank.

Ich liebe solche Tests :elkgrin:
With a coolly measured demeanor and adaptive thinking, you enforce your will on others using your multitude of abilities.

Do you hear that, Mister Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.

Agent Smith is a character in The Matrix series.

Schön schön... jetzt ist s offiziell, ich bin das absolute Böse des Forums...
Mach doch mal den Test, dann sehen wir ja was bei dir rauskommt... ich bin mit Agent Smith eigentlich ganz zufrieden, fand den schon immer genial :D
AH JETZT JA! "Eine Insel!"

Hab ich doch gleich mal getestet.


A stern yet benevolent organizer who often knows best, your wits are keenly fixed on aiding efforts you deem worthy.

Now at this last we must take a hard road, a road unforseen. There lies our hope, if hope it be. To walk into peril to Mordor.

Elrond is a character in the Middle-Earth universe. TheOneRing.net has a short biography.
Ich wäre Yoda


A venerated sage with vast power and knowledge, you gently guide forces around you while serving as a champion of the light.

Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not - for my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminescent beings are we, not this crude matter! You must feel the Force around you, everywhere.
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