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Alt 22.03.2011, 09:17
Benutzerbild von Bardin
Bardin Bardin ist offline
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Eine äußerst interessante Meldung... nur leider hat funktionierende Wissenschaft so ihre Tücken...
Nach kurzer Recherche muss ich sagen, dass diese Meldung doch mit Skepsis zu betrachten ist.

zB ist NASA nicht besonders froh über diesen Wissenschaftler
NASA in a sticky situation over meteorite alien life report - International Business Times

Dieser Artikel fasst sehr schön die Skepsis anderer Wissenschaftler zusammen:
Scientists Dubious Over Claim of Alien Life Evidence in Meteorite | Meteorite Cyanobacteria Extraterrestrial Life | Space.com
"If you look at the microscope photos, they are certainly suggestive – looking like photos made of various terrestrial bacteria," Shostak told SPACE.com. "But then again, while intriguing, that's hardly proof. If similarity in appearance were all it took to prove similarity in kind, then it would be pretty easy for me to demonstrate that there are big animals living in the sky, because I see clouds that look like them."
Cyanobacteria live in liquid water and are photosynthetic, meaning they convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds using energy from sunlight. That implies that the meteorites would have had to contain liquid water exposed to sunlight, and also that high concentrations of oxygen would be present, said astrobiologist Chris McKay of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.

Such a scenario is unlikely based on researchers' current understanding of meteorites, McKay said. If they contain liquid water at all, it is likely in their interior, not on the surface, where it would be in contact with sunlight.
Rosie Redfield, a microbiologist at the University of British Columbia, questioned whether the journal's papers are really peer-reviewed, as it claims.

"The journal proudly announces that it is obtaining and will publish 100 post-publication reviews," she wrote on her blog, RRResearch. "But did it bother getting any pre-publication reviews? It will be shutting down in a few months, after only two years of online publication (the 13 'volumes' are really just 13 issues). Its presentation standards are pretty bad – there doesn't seem to have been any effort at copy-editing or formatting the text for publication (not even any page numbers)."

NASA confirmed that the paper had not been peer-reviewed.

"NASA cannot stand behind or support a scientific claim unless it has been peer-reviewed or thoroughly examined by other qualified experts," Paul Hertz, chief scientist of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C., said in a statement. "This paper was submitted in 2007 to the International Journal of Astrobiology. However, the peer review process was not completed for that submission."
Und hier nochmal ein Artikel:
Nasa scientist claims evidence of extraterrestrial life | Science | The Guardian
Hoover, an expert on life in extreme environments, has reported similar structures in meteorites several times before. So far, none has been confirmed as the ancient remains of alien life.
Ich würde diese Meldung doch mit Vorsicht betrachten. Kann sein, dass da wirklich mehr hintersteckt... kann aber auch nicht sein.
Allein die Existenz von irgendetwas ist das größte Wunder; die Materie, die sich selber formt, das größte Geschenk; die Materie aber, die auf sich selbst herabblickt und denkt, das größte Paradoxon.

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